Sunday, May 8, 2016

Resources for Final Project: Obama Presidential Library and Museum Exhibit

Final Project Handout and HW Article
NEW: Track your Teamwork and Professionalism Points Here 


The Obama Presidential Center Official Site:

How to create an historical exhibit:

Museum Components
General Helpful Links
Great NPR interview with Obama, covers several topics    37 min Video

On the Issues: Barack Obama     Breaks down his record and stance on many issues

Crash Course US #47     Obamanation 

“53 Historians Weigh In on Barack Obama’s Legacy”

“Obama: A Virtual Museum of His Presidency”       

Wikipedia: Presidency of Barack Obama       Wikipedia- Presidency of B. Obama

The White House- The digital home of the Obama Administration  

"5 Foreign Policy Issues for Obama's State of the Union Address"  5 For. Pol. Issues

GOP vs Obama      NY Times Article

Obama, GOP Congress Ugly Relationship      From Politico
Obama Lifetime Timeline
Barack Obama- Life before the Presidency    Life before the Presidency

Barack Obama- the College Years    The Guardian- Omama College Years 
Obama Career Cartoon Study Gallery
You'll need to survey the other topics to come up with a plan for this. The cartoons will be easy to find on Google images, but you should know what you're looking for before you look or you'll fall down the rabbit hole.
Michelle Obama Exhibit
Michelle Obama      On Wikipedia
Michelle Obama    On
Healthier Kids Website        Let's Move!

Obama Presidency Library and Museum Website
Start with this article and pick a site that you think you can work with:  8 Free Design Platforms To Build Your Own Site
Archive Outline, Table, and Contents List 1
Example of an Historical Archive     The National Archive

You'll need to survey the other topics to come up with a plan for this. The documents will be easy to find, but you should know what you're looking for before you look or you'll fall down the rabbit hole.
Archive Outline, Table, and Contents List 2
War on Terror Exhibit
Crash Course US #46      Bush & War on Terror

NEW- Podcast about the authorization that signals the beginning of the War on Terror.  Radiolab: "60 Words"

Debate on whether Obama has exceeded his authority to make war on ISIS   Intelligence Squared- Video or Audio 

“President Obama’s Legacy Is Endless War”          

"Americans have yet to grasp the horrific magnitude of the ‘war on terror’" Al Jazeera- Americans have yet to grasp...

Contemporary Culture Exhibit
You'll need to brainstorm for a while and come up with some kind of organized outline for this. You should know what you're looking for before you look or you'll fall down the rabbit hole.
Obama’s Personal Political Style & Early Political Career Exhibit
Barack Obama- Life before the Presidency    Life before the Presidency

Barack Obama- the College Years    The Guardian- Omama College Years

"Racial Tensions Roil Democratic Race"     Obama vs. Clinton- 2008 Primary Election
2008 Campaign and Presidential Election
Wikipedia: 2008 Election                                          2008 Election

How Donald Trump Happened traces backlash against Obama Presidency

Obama’s Foreign Policy: Cuban Thaw
US Foreign Policy- Foreign Affairs Magazine  US Foreign Policy

The History of US-Cuban Relations     Reviewed...

Why the Cuba embargo should end     Another quick Vox video 
Obama’s Foreign Policy: Iran Nuclear Negotiations
US Foreign Policy- Foreign Affairs Magazine  US Foreign Policy

Debate on Obama's Iran Deal     Intelligence Squared- video or audio

How the Iran Nuclear Deal Works     In 3 minutes

The Iran Nuclear Deal     A Conservative Perspective

Obama’s Environmental Policy
John Green Interviews Obama     On Climate Change

United States Environmental Policy Report    From European Union

Obama on Senate Environmental Committee    From Mother Jones

Wikileaks Exposes What Obama's Secret Trade Deal Would do to the Environment     From Mother Jones 

Obama Might Actually be the Environmental President    From NY Magazine 
Obama’s Domestic Policy: Gay Rights
Obergefell v Hodges      From SCOTUS Blog

Gay Rights History Timeline   From infoplease

Human Rights Campaign main site   HRC

NEW: Loretta Lynch's statement on North Carolina bathroom bill 
Obama’s Domestic Policy: Healthcare Reform
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act      From Wikipedia

Affordable Care Act Infographic     Infographic  

Debate on Obamacare     Intelligence Square- video or audio

Analyses from

Affordable Care Act and Women    Chart from Mother Jones  

Is Obamacare Working      John Green Video on Obamacare

Why is Healthcare So Expensive in US?     Another one by John Green 
Obama’s Domestic Policy: Immigration
How has Obama changed immigration policy?    US News article

Immigration Reform     from 

Will the Supreme Court Finally Kill Obama's Immigration Reforms    From 

Obama Kept His Immigration Promise...      From Mother Jones
Obama’s Domestic Policy: Gun Violence and Control
Obama's Executive Actions on Guns      from the NRA

Sorting Out Obama's Gun Proposal

Guns in the US: The Statistics      From the BBC 

Obama's Speech after Newtown, CT Shooting   on YouTube 

Key Gun Violence Statistics    From the Brady Campaign

Debate on the 2nd Amendment    Intelligence Squared- video or audio 

NEW: Backstory Podcast: Straight Shot 
Obama’s Domestic Policy: Racial Issues
 Obama's Speech on Race     From Washington Post, w/ video  

Black Lives Matter Official Site  

History and Origin of Black Lives Matter A Dynamic History of #BlackLivesMatter Explained

The Matter of Black Lives     From the New Yorker 

Obama on Black Lives Matter    From The Guardian 

Christie says Obama has made Racial Divide Worse    From CNN